White Plains, New York, headquarters for the Colonial Needle Company, is not especially noted for its balmy weather. But both Terry and Jim Collingham are gardeners and try to keep a cheerful blooming appearance at the company's back door. The picture was taken last July.
However this past winter the unusual snowfalls at times kept deliveries from the door. Jim snapped this picture after a record blizzard dropped 31 inches of the white stuff and you can tell he's disgusted. When I visited Colonial in February however, Jim was confident that there'd be no more snow because he'd purchased a monster snow blower. Today is April 1 and snow's on the way--sorry Jim!

Jim and Terry have three sons and of the trio, Tom is the one who's entered the business. Tom primarily deals with Lee's Needlearts , a Colonial Needle company specializing in hand-painted needlepoint canvases and lovely leather accessories. From purses to wallets and jewelry boxes, Lee's Needlearts products can be personalized with your own needlework.
By the way, the Lee's Needlearts website only sells wholesale but you can open and look at the color catalog and then check at your local needlework shop.
Here's the only picture I could find of Tom--as usual, he's on the phone. Above Tom's desk hangs another of Ralphie's handmade quilts.
Works of needle art hang everywhere on the walls in the Colonial Needle Company's offices. In Lucille the book keeper's neat-as-a-pin office another one of Ralphie's quilts.
A hand quilted Double Wedding Ring quilt hangs above the snack counter in the hallway that's always stocked with chocolate, pretzels, nuts, and fruit.
And these masterpiece miniature needlepoint kimonos, a Lee's specialty, on the top of the shelf over Laura's head. My apologies: Laura was busy talking to overseas customers that day so this is the only view I got of her.
Remember, if you're in need of needles, first check your local sewing supply store but if you can't find what you need locally, you can always go to Colonial's website: www.colonialneedle.com.